Refund and Returns Policy
Transit claim, damages and refund policy
Unboxing video: All claims for transit damages, and refund claims require an unboxing video immediately after receiving the parcel. Please take the video from the time of opening the outer courier covers, without any breaks or pauses and please make sure that the item is in focus and clear in the video.
In case of any transit damages/wrong product sent, we will be refunding the shipping charges collected during the checkout to the customer and TFS will dispatch a replacement product as soon as we receive the damaged product (Customers need to send the product from their end within 48hrs of receiving it and share tracking information with us). Only in case of products that are not in stock, a refund will be initiated and that takes 2-4 business day for the amount to be reflected in the customers bank account. All refunds will be made via the same mode of payment.
In case of free shipping was made to the customer, courier charges for returning the product has to be borne by the customer and the replacement item will be dispatched free of cost from us.
Please be assured that we take full care in packing parcels for both domestic and international purchases no matter the value of the parcel. The jewelry is triple checked for damage and packed with sufficient bubble wraps in packed in plastic boxes
Additional note on refunds:
- All photographs are taken in-house, in natural light, without edits. Although the actual colour of the product that you see on the page will depend on your computer or mobile screen resolution and screen colour and brightness settings.
- Please note that much of our products are handmade. Each item is unique and may have some subtle difference in the size of the stones, setting or small irregularities that are the result of the jewellery makers involvement, and we believe this is what makes it unique. Such differences will not be considered as damages.
- Refunds will not be made in case the jewellery is not to the customers liking, and if it too heavy to wear or if it looks big.
- Earring stems are sometimes bent on purpose to avoid transit damages.
- Very rarely, some stones may have fallen during the transit and such stones can easily be attached using fabric glue. These shall not be considered as damages as well.
- Back ropes, earring backs and in some cases, additional free goods are provided free of cost and in case they are missing or are damaged, replacements shall not be provided.
- We unfortunately do not have any return or refund policy for International shipments but we take utmost care to make sure that all the international shipments go through additional QC and are packed more securely. We do try to cater for alternative solutions to rectify the problem if any as well and will differ time to time based on the situations
For any additional queries, please feel free to reach out to